Evo šta vam sve omogućujemo!
Uz Allplan imate priliku izgraditi virtualni objekt pre same faze izvođenja. Na taj način uočit ćete sve sudare i probleme na vreme i tokom faze projektovanja te na taj način izbeći kašnjenja tokom izgradnje.
Allplan podržava celokupan proces projektovanja unutar jednog sistema – od inicijalne skice do konačno glavnog projekta I nacrta armature.
Model konstrukcije na jednostavan način se može razmeniti sa softverima FRILO Statik, SCIA Engineer i drugim softverima.
Allplan Konstrukterstvo je prikladno za sve vrste projekata – od jednostavnih do kompleksnih, od visokogradnje do niskogradnje, urbanizma i mostova.
Snažno sredstvo za postizanje vrhunskih 3D modela je Siemensov sistem Parasolid, koji je integrisan u Allplan, nudi veću slobodu prilikom stvaranja 3D modela i složenih geometrija.
Integrisani 3D model s armaturom, ugradbenim elementima, i po potrebi nategama, osigurava pouzdano i jasno projektovanje.
Jeste li znali da je Allplan najbolje rešenje za
3D BIM armiranje?
Novosti u Allplan Konstrukterstvu!
Najnovija Allplan verzija je naravno i najnaprednija. Programeri su zaista napravili odličan posao i pripremili za nas mnoštvo vrlo naprednih alata.
Vizuelno skriptiranje je idealni za parametarsko modeliranje složenih oblika, kreiranje često korištenih prilagođenih elemenata i automatizaciju radnih procesa. Umjesto da naučite programski jezik, jednostavno vizualno organizirajte čvorove i povežite ih.
Optimizirani stupovi
With the optimized column tool, you can now create fillets and chamfers directly without having to define your own cross-section beforehand. In addition to saving time and ease of use, the subsequent adjustment of the columns has now also been simplified.
Čelične konstrukcije
Više vam nije potrebno zasebno čelično rešenje za modeliranje jednostavnih čeličnih konstrukcija (LOD 300). Stubovi i grede mogu se kreirati i menjati pomoću modernog korisničkog sučelja koji se temelji na paleti svojstava i hvataljkama.
Uzduž bilo koje staze
Pomoću funkcije "Kopiraj duž bilo koje staze" možete brzo i lako kopirati i postavljati predmete duž bilo koje staze. Postoje različite mogućnosti za određivanje udaljenosti ili broja objekata i kontrolu rotacije pojedinih elemenata.
Ravnine odmaka
An offset plane is linked to another plane. When the reference plane is changed, the offset plane automatically adjusts itself and with all elements linked to it. This even works for several floors simultaneously.
Inozemni standardi
In order to better support US standard projects, Allplan 2020 has made extensive additions specifically in the area of reinforcement: There are now standardized and user-defined bar shapes, the reinforcement legends have been adapted and interfaces created for the reinforcement manufacturers aSa and Soulé. In addition, thread bar couplers of the manufacturer HRC are supported.
Import UTM koordinata
Surveying offices, authorities and construction companies are increasingly working with UTM coordinates. Due to different scaling these are incompatible with AEC software. Until now, planners had to rely on external service providers for data exchange. With the new import functions in Allplan 2020, you can now perform this coordinate transformation yourself.
Pogledi i presjeci
Numerous detail improvements were made to the views and sections. For example, the properties of multiple views or sections can now be adjusted simultaneously. This serves to optimize workflows.
Uvijek točne kote
With Allplan 2020 you always keep your dimensioning up to date. Linear dimension lines remain connected to the objects. When you make a change, the dimensioning automatically adjusts itself.
Timski rad
More stability, more performance, more usability. These are the results of the comprehensively optimized Allplan tools for cross-team collaboration, the Allplan Workgroup Manager and Allplan Share. In addition to a project backup, the amount of data to be transferred over the network was reduced, which has a noticeable effect on response times.
Najnovija verzija IFC-a
The IFC interface is continuously being further developed. The full support of NURBS bodies during import has improved the exchange of free-form geometry. In addition, different attributes can be assigned correctly during import and export. The SketchUp interface now supports the 2018 format, the CPIXML export has been updated to version 1.7.
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